Many new entrants to the Coin
Laundry Business have this obvious question, whether to build a
new Laundromat or to purchase a used one. In both cases you have
many advantages, however building a new Laundromat is a
relatively long process and involves risks. You should do your
due diligence on the industry and the location before making a
decision. The next option is buying a
renovated Laundromat, usually it is not a good idea to go after these
Laundromats. Old Laundromats are purchased and renovated by
brokers and they then sell the Laundromats showing higher
projected revenue due
to the renovations. The price quoted by them will be high,
so one should try to avoid these Laundromats. Lots of
people have lost large amount of money in this business due to
brokers greed.
With that said, there are many advantages in
building a new Laundromat. You get to select the layout of the Laundromat,
it has higher income potential, have new equipment and generally
better lease terms. Once you have decided build a new Laundromat,
get in touch with minimum 3 different companies who specialize
Laundromat construction. Ask them to provide details regarding the following:
- Complete layout of the
- Evaluation related to current Market and competition.
- Instructions to operate a Laundromat
- A thorough study of the Laundromat site
- Demographic survey analysis
- Lease concession for Laundromats
- Equipment vendor to do the
- Suggestions for Contractor and Building Architect
- Figure out any Construction oversight in the project
- Other Advices and recommendations necessary to construct and
run a new Laundromat
Seek brokers who are reputable and have verifiable records. Get some
references from them, also surf Internet and find out details
regarding prospective brokers.
Site Survey
for Laundromat Construction |